I am a management consultant exploring the World of Artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence facts

Artificial Intelligence facts

For my Artificial Intelligence online course for non-techies, I’ve put together a list of facts about AI - impact on economy, investment figures in AI startups and a lot of other helpful stuff. All of these facts and helpful quotes come with the original links to the articles. If you are a student looking for some facts about Artificial Intelligence for your latest assignment, an employee who needs to give a presentation about AI in his company or if you want to put together a pitch for your AI startup and need some additional facts, this sheet is for you.

I believe in the spread of information. Get the AI fact sheet while it’s hot and free - and receive my weekly collection of AI articles with it.

Paylist - eine kostenfreie App zum Verwalten deiner Abos

Paylist - eine kostenfreie App zum Verwalten deiner Abos

What I am reading on vacation

What I am reading on vacation